Privacy Policy in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR)

General introduction

As indicated by EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR), the processing of data shall be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of the confidentiality and rights of the user.

This information for users/visitors interacting with the website is provided pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 on ‘natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data’. The same exclusively describes the methods of management of the website, with reference to the processing of personal data of users/visitors consulting it, and not also external websites that can be consulted by users by clicking on the links present on that site.

  1. Type of data processed and purpose of processing

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data within the various forms on the above website, expressly accepting the privacy policy, entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s name and e-mail address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data entered. This data will be processed solely for the purpose of processing the request and communicated to third parties only in cases where this is necessary for the fulfilment of the request. The data may be accessed, for maintenance purposes only, by the company managing the technological infrastructure and its appointees. The data collected may be processed for the following purposes

  • to respond to requests that users/visitors send to the addresses indicated on this site;
  • to allow the interested parties to purchase the services offered
  • for commercial purposes;
  • for processing related to VAT regulations (VAT tax register, etc.).
  1. Processing methods

Personal data will be processed using automated tools (e.g. using electronic procedures and media) and/or manually (e.g. on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in accordance with the relevant regulations in force. The data processing will also be carried out with organisational and processing logics strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data themselves in compliance with the organisational, physical and logical measures provided for by the provisions in force.

  1. Categories of recipients

Without prejudice to communications carried out in fulfilment of legal and contractual obligations, all data collected and processed may be communicated exclusively for the purposes specified above to the following categories of interested parties: companies or professional firms that provide consultancy or collaboration in accounting, tax, legal, commercial matters; public administrations for the performance of institutional functions within the limits established by law; third-party service providers to whom communication is necessary for the fulfilment of the services covered by the contract.

  1. Conservation period

Personal data required for contractual, accounting and service provision purposes are retained for as long as necessary for the performance of the contractual relationship, including the relevant applicable legislative requirements. The data of those who do not purchase or use products/services, even though they have had previous contact with representatives of the company, will be deleted within 30 days or processed anonymously, if their retention is not otherwise justified, unless the informed consent of the persons concerned has been validly obtained regarding a subsequent commercial promotion or market research activity. The data provided for subscription to the newsletter may be processed for sending communications for commercial and marketing purposes. To this end, the undersigned company may make use of external companies and/or services for which any user may request information.

  1. Legal basis

The provision of personal data may be compulsory for all that is required by legal and contractual obligations, and therefore any refusal to provide such data in whole or in part may make it impossible to provide the services requested. The writer processes the personal data of users on the basis of consent, i.e. through explicit approval of this privacy policy and in relation to the methods and purposes described above.

  1. Optional provision of data

Visitors are free to provide or not to provide their personal data, as in the case of requests for information or contact sent by e-mail or requests for access to freely chosen services, utilities and applications. Failure to provide them, as well as lack of consent, may make it impossible to obtain what has been requested.

  1. Transfer of Personal Data outside the EU area

The management and storage of Personal Data will take place on servers located within the European Union of the Data Controller and/or duly appointed third party companies. Data will not be transferred outside the European Union. It is in any case understood that the Data Controller, where necessary and subject to updating of the documentation provided for by EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR), shall have the right to move the location of the servers to countries outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller assures as of now that the data transfer will take place in compliance with the applicable legal provisions by entering into agreements that guarantee an adequate level of protection, if necessary.

  1. Data Controller, Data Processors and Categories of Data Processors

The Data Controller is Sidex s.r.l. with registered office in Via Andrea Costa 112/2U, 40065 Rastignano di Pianoro Bologna (BO) – Italy. The processing operations connected to the web services of this site are carried out exclusively by technical personnel in charge of processing.

In addition to the Owner’s employees, some personal data processing operations may also be carried out by third parties, to whom the company entrusts the management/maintenance of the site. In this case, the same subjects will be appointed as Data Processors.

  1. Rights of data subjects

The persons to whom the personal data refer have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of such data and to be informed of their content and origin, to verify their accuracy or to request that they be supplemented, updated or corrected. Interested parties also have the right to request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data concerning them, processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing.

Pursuant to Art. 13 EU GDPR the data subjects always have the right to know the identity and contact details of the Data Controller and where necessary of its representative, the contact details of the Data Protection Officer, the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis of the processing, the legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or third parties appointed as data controllers, any recipients or categories of recipients of personal data, the data retention period and the intention of the Data Controller to transfer personal data to a third country or international organisation.

The data subject, pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR EU 679/2016 may also at any time exercise the right to:

  • have access to personal data
  • obtain the rectification or deletion of the data or the restriction of their processing
  • object to the processing of data
  • use data portability
  • revoke consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before revocation
  • lodge a complaint with the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, following the procedures and indications published on the Authority’s official website it
  • be informed about the possibility that the disclosure of personal data may be a legal or contractual obligation or a necessary requirement for the conclusion of a contract, and whether the data subject is under an obligation to provide personal data, as well as the possible consequences of failure to do so
  • to be informed of the existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling, and in such cases, to receive meaningful information on the logic used, as well as on the importance of such processing for the data subject and the expected consequences thereof.

In addition to the information referred to in paragraph 1, the data controller shall provide the data subject with the following information necessary to ensure fair and transparent processing in respect of the data subject

  1. the period of retention of the personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period
  2. the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or by third parties
  3. the existence of the right of the data subject to request from the data controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data concerning him or her and to object to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, as well as the right to data portability
  4. the existence of the right to revoke consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before revocation
  5. the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, following the procedures and indications published on the Authority’s official website it
  6. the source from which the personal data originate and, where applicable, whether the data come from publicly accessible sources
  7. the existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling and, at least in such cases, meaningful information on the logic used, as well as the importance and the foreseen consequences of such processing for the data subject;

The controller shall provide the information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2:

  1. within a reasonable period after obtaining the personal data, but at the latest within one month, having regard to the specific circumstances in which the personal data are processed
  2. where the personal data are intended for communication with the data subject, at the latest at the time of the first communication to the data subject; or where communication to another recipient is envisaged, no later than the first communication of the personal data.

For any information on the processing of data users can send an e-mail or write to Sidex s.r.l. with registered office in Via Andrea Costa 112/2U, 40065 Rastignano di Pianoro Bologna (BO) – Italy

Updating the policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to updating, also in relation to relevant legislation and case law.


Company name: SIDEX S.R.L.

Registered office and offices: Via A.Costa 112/2U -Rastignano di Pianoro – 40065 Pianoro (BO)

C.F., P.IVA e iscr.reg.impr: 03700370376

Economic Administrative Register Number (REA): BO309270

Share capital: € 10400,00 i.v.


The company is NOT in a state of liquidation.

The company is NOT a sole shareholder.

The company is NOT subject to coordination by other entities or companies (Art. 2497-bis C.C.).


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